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Bill Whitely

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I Co-owned an MLM company with 507 Health and Nutritional products years ago and I loved every aspect of it especially learning about nutrition and the positive effects of supplements on my body...


  • Higher Energy and Robust Health

  • Lots of Exciting Travel experiences

  • Fantastic Friends and Lasting Relationships

  • Time Freedom to pursue goals and interests

  • Helping develop their financial Independence

  • Wonderful arena for helping people grow as individuals

  • Earned Pretty Good residual (earning while you sleep) Money, too!

Unfortunately, Nothing lasts forever so I moved on...
I became a stockbroker, liked it, and ended up running my own firm with 125 brokers plus admin staff.
After stocks, bonds, mutuals, and derivatives I moved into commodities specialing in foreign currencies and exotic metals.
Discovering new ventures, ideas, and exciting projects seldom had the start-up capital I then started A venture capital firm.
 I simply got burned out;
The stress of being the first one in and the last one out of the office, the ongoing regulations and logistics of payroll taxes, health insurance plus the liabilities of 125 brokers and admin staff, etc. I sold the VC  firm to My Securities Attorney.
I had never forgotten the Benefits, Independence and Time Freedom of my networking days so I took 2 computers home and looked for a real MLM company. We found one that lasted 15 years, earned us an annual mid-Six figure income and we really enjoyed life!
FAST FORWARD July 21st, 2017
We were taking the very best Nutrition, approximately 60 different "latest and greatest" trending supplements from different companies and felt we were doing as well as we could at our age...
I heard about the A.G.E. PILL about to be released and I figured it would be like almost all products on the market...
Copy cat, Me too, Ho hum... Mostly Mediocre.
You spend your money with little or no results so you move on... 
(looking for the real deal)
After doing research on A.G.E., Advanced Glycation Extreme, the build-up of toxicity on the cells in our bodies, recognized by Drs and the medical community but with no way of removal, I thought it might be worth a try.
On July 21, 2017, I joined Sisel and bought 2 bottles of the A.G.E. PILL and got started taking it.
On day 1 about 10 AM as I hung up my phone, Sandy said "what are you on"? "Excuse me," I said and she again said, "what are you on today"? I told her "just my regular nutrition".
Sandy said, "no, you don't act like this normally...what are you on"? I said "well, I added the A.G.E. PILL this morning" and Sandy said "give me some" so we have both been taking 3 caps twice a day since July 28, 2017!
WOW... We both have loved the A.G.E. PILL since day 1

pre ps -

The Car Bonus(s) in the Sisel

CompPlan are Generous & Lucrative!

Here's why;
  • I felt energetic while talking on the phone and was Multi-tasking while building web sites. I was simply getting more accomplished with a new getter-done-now attitude.
  • I started sleeping more soundly going from 4-6 hours since my military days to now getting 7-9 hours of sound sleep.
  • After 2 back surgeries, I was left with 24/7 pain in my right hip running to my ankle. My orthopedic surgeon told me it was irreparable nerve damage and I would suffer with it for the rest of my life... The hip and leg pain was gone in 3-4 weeks.
  • I was on 2 oral medications for high blood sugar as I was type 2 diabetic. I was starting to shake around mealtime and would resort to eating a snickers candy bar. My Dr checked my A1C and it was down from 9.9 to 5.9 so he took me off the diabetic medication.
  • I've worn glasses from 1978 for reading and driving but after 90 days on the A.G.E. PILL I could see my PC screen and read books with NO glasses. Also, I started driving without them and oncoming headlights no longer bothered me. I still carry them in the car as my DL says I must wear glasses when driving.  
  • I've had male pattern baldness on the top - rear of my head for the past 20 years. Sandy told me all my hair was growing back in my original auburn color...Wow!
  • My skin is softer, wrinkles have diminished, nails are smoother and growing faster. I'm now shaving daily and trimming my facial hair and nails every 3-4 days.
  • My muscles are now toned and firm from using RIPT daily. Eyes & hearts are muscle, too! RIPT is for those that can't. won't or don't work out or exercise...If you do, watch out!
  • Had my blood-work tested the same day I started the A.G.E. PILL and every 3-4 months since; BP is now down to 112/66, PSA down from 4.9 to .035 1/3 of 1, Testosterone up from 330 to 1,025 and my total cholesterol numbers run 170 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) and are considered good according to my 2 Drs and they no longer try to get me to take statins. Dr. U, 48, said, "Bill, I wish my husband had your numbers!"
  • ALSO; During our 3rd month, We added the Triangle of LifeRIPT and Sisel instant KAFFE for me and Fire & Ice Tea for Sandy.
  • "NEW" SiselH2STIX hydrogen, another WOW power product was just introduced with more trend-setting Exclusive products scheduled.
  • FLASH - STEM-O_LYTIC, Introduced March 7, 2020
  • This Super-8 Supplement is packed with ingredients that specifically support the immune system's natural ability to destroy and clean out toxic senescent cells, clearing the way for healthy stem cells to thrive. It's almost like giving your body a wrecking ball for some critical demolition work!

  • MY FAB FIVE DAILY I gotta have these products daily for Energy, Muscle, Strength, Brain and Libido!

Transfer Buying 

We Stopped buying Toxic household products containing Dangerous Cancer causing chemicals. 
Then we Switched to Sisel Safe and Sane Toxic-Free products with the same dollar$ we were wasting on cheap harmful chemicals products.
After trying, testing, and proving the quality and safety of Sisel products we can with Confidence Share this Wonderful opportunity with Others... People Thank us!
Now we buy only Sisel products ranging from household cleaners, personal care items, nutritional and pharmaceuticals, to cosmetics, wellness products, and more... Tooth paste, Shampoo, Conditioner, Laundry soap, make-up, and other assorted Sisel products.
There has never been a more Safe and Powerful Anti-aging and Age Reversal Product line!
 We look and feel so much better...Sisel has Changed or Lives!
Friendly advice; First and Foremost, We Don't do Start-ups
Been there and done that.
Start-ups with a single ho-hum, copy cat, me-too hot product(s), shoe-string capital, inexperienced management, little or no customer service, a deficient legal team, inadequate web site, basic back-office may make it short-term but the historical statistics prove that they will be short-lived, very aggravating, stressful and devastating until they finally fail and leave you high and dry with NO paycheck. Learned the painful lessons the Hard Way...
Only 1 out of 100 make it 2 years
The MLM graveyards are full of well-meaning Tombstones
Now, Why I Do Sisel
  • Sisel has proven Management - 13 year Proven Track Record.
  • Global, 38 countries to conduct a seamless business.
  • Manufacture their own products in their own State of the Art 440,000 sf plant
  • Receive my products in a timely manner every month in 3 - 4 days.
  • Sisel uni-level is EZ, very Fair, Lucrative, and Rewarding and pays 8 ways.
  • Sisel enhanced Wealth Builder comp plan is Amazing and the Fast track for 10K month.
  • Get paid Fast Start Bonuses daily with the monthly always on time or 1 day early. 
  • Not going anywhere. Debt Free & here to stay so we can build long-term residual biz.
  • Their Exclusive, Patented, and Unique Products Flat out work - Highest Quality Life-Changing Anti-aging Age-reversal line-up that money can Buy. 
  • Body, Brain, and Blood! I can and do share with others with Great confidence.


More Reasons Why I Do Sisel

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