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The Future of Hydrogen Water is Here...NOW!
Sisel H2STIX
One of the world’s truly greatest products has been introduced by Sisel
Infused with power, SiselH2Stix brings efficacy and convenience together to provide you with a rush of hydrogen-fueled energy. Boost your metabolism, hydrate your cells, and enhance your body’s defense against free radicals.
Elevate your life today with SiselH2STIX.
READ MORE >> SiselH2Stix Hydrogen-Rich Water --- the water for your health
1. Do you know the harmful oxidative stress is attacking your body? Do you know that your body is under constant attack from oxidative stress all the time? Just like the apple turns brown, the metal becomes rusty. You have wrinkles on your face after years of oxidative stress damage to your body cells. Our Cells get oxygen by breathing it. 98% of the oxygen is combined with glucose and fat in organelles and then converted into energy to meet the needs of cell activity. The other 2% of oxygen is converted into oxygen free radicals as dangerous waste. Free radicals can interact with a variety of substances, causing a series of destructive chain reactions to cells. This process is called oxidative stress. There are many diseases that have been proved to be derived from oxidative stress.
Body cells damaged by oxidative stress Oxidative stress is associated with many human diseases. The dangerous free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an unpaired number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. To seek stability, free radicals tend to rob an electron from whatever molecule happens to be nearby. In turn, the molecule that loses an electron to a free radical becomes unstable, and becomes a new free radical. As such, free radicals can be the cause of a never-ending chain reaction, like dominoes. Their chief danger comes from the damage they can do when they react with important cellular components such as DNA, or the cell membrane. A free radical is robbing an electron from a nearby healthy cell.
Accumulation of free radicals is associated with skin ageing and many diseases
2. How molecular hydrogen works to remove toxic free radicals. Antioxidants are a saving grace! They are compounds that can contribute an electron to a free radical so that the free radical does not take an electron from healthy atoms. Hydrogen in water will keep iron nails from rusting because of its incredible antioxidant power. Common antioxidants are fruits and vegetables, while hydrogen molecules are the most powerful antioxidants . Nails will rust in ordinary water, but not in hydrogen water. Scientific researchers tell us, “Molecular hydrogen is extremely unique since it has the capability to act at the cellular level. Hydrogen is qualified to cross the blood brain barrier, to enter the mitochondria, and even has the ability to translocate to the nucleus under certain conditions.
Once in these ideal locations of the cell, previous studies have shown that hydrogen exerts on antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, and cytoprotective properties that are beneficial to the cell”. Acute oxidative stress causes serious damage to tissues, and persistent oxidative stress is accepted as one of the causes of many common diseases including cancer. The hydrogen molecule has the strongest penetration because it is the smallest and lightest element in the universe. When ingested, it travels throughout the bloodstream, the energy centers of a cell, and penetrates the nucleus, where the majority of DNA is stored. Once there, it significantly reduces free radicals—inflammation-causing molecules linked to everything from accelerated skin aging to cancer. Hydrogen (H2) has potential as an antioxidant in preventive and therapeutic applications.
H2 selectively reduced the hydroxyl radical, the most cytotoxic of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and effectively protect cells; Thus H2 can be used as an effective antioxidant therapy; owing to its ability to rapidly diffuse across membranes, it can reach and react with cytotoxic ROS and thus protect against oxidative damage. And there are three main properties that explain hydrogen’s therapeutic effects:
1) Molecular hydrogen can easily diffuse into the subcellular compartments, reducing the levels of cytotoxic oxygen radicals and protecting the DNA, RNA and proteins from oxidative stress.
2) Molecular hydrogen also triggers the activation or upregulation of additional antioxidant enzymes (e.g. glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, etc.) and/or cytoprotective proteins of the body.
3) Molecular hydrogen may be a novel-signaling molecule that can alter cell signaling, cell metabolism and gene expression, and explain the anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and antiapoptotic (or anti-cell death) effects. Reference: Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals DR. SHIGEO OHTA, PHD., (NIPPON MEDICAL SCHOOL, Japan) Nature Medicine 13, 688– 694 (2007)
3. What is hydrogen water and should you drink it? Hydrogen-rich water is water with infused hydrogen gas (hydrogen molecules), hydrogen molecules in water act as powerful antioxidants. These molecules help neutralize oxygen free radicals that contribute to disease development, inflammation, and aging. Water, which is essential to life, is formed by the combination of oxygen (a powerful oxidizer) and hydrogen (a powerful reducer). By drinking hydrogen rich water, it is absorbed into intestine within 1 minute, and spreads through whole body within 10 minutes, so it works on removing free radicals and prevent cellular damage. Each sip of Hydrogen-rich water will fill your bodies with trillions of hydrogen molecules. As a natural antioxidant, molecular hydrogen successfully effective molecule to scavenger or pair up with toxic hydroxyl radicals and neutralizes them.
There is no toxicity of Molecular Hydrogen (H2) because the byproduct of the free-radical neutralizing reaction is water. Each molecule of H2 will neutralize to hydroxyl radicals into two molecules of H2O hydrating your cells which has only positive effect. That water will be flushed out of the body with urine and sweat. Therefore molecule of hydrogen has high-powered therapeutic potential.
Hydrogen is a novel and innovative therapeutic tool and can be used like intravenous vitamin C therapy and can be used in a daily basis by drinking Hydrogen-rich water. The undeniable advantage, as mentioned above, is the size of the hydrogen molecule. It can easily penetrate human cells and mitochondria.
The overabundance of toxic free radicals leads to accelerated aging and a number of serious diseases. Common antioxidants, derived from vitamins and food cannot cover the entire body due to the larger size, and therefore their effectiveness is much lower.
Hydrogen therapy is safe as there is no upper limit of use. The more water you drink infused with hydrogen the better, especially if you have late stage cancer and need to turn things around quickly. This fact indicates that there is no side effect and no restrictions on consumption of plenty of water enriched with hydrogen for people at any age including infants, children, pregnant women and elderly people.
Hydrogen water can hugely benefit your health and prolong your lifespan. Reducing blood sugar, anti-inflammatory, anti-wrinkles, anti-aging, neuroprotective, Weight loss and more....
Hydrogen water has been found to have many health benefits.
The Health Benefits of Hydrogen Water
1) Hydrogen Water is an Antioxidant and Prevents Brain Damage
2) Hydrogen Help Skin Care and Reduce Wrinkles
3) Hydrogen Water Suppresses Inflammation
4) Hydrogen Water Prevents Metabolic Syndrome
5) Hydrogen Water Help in Weight Loss
6) Hydrogen Water Enhances Mitochondrial Function
7)Hydrogen Water Treats Diabetes
8) Hydrogen Water May Treat Metabolic Acidosis
9) Hydrogen Water May Prevent Cancer
10) Hydrogen Water Reduces Side Effects of Cancer Treatments
11) Hydrogen Water Boosts Skin Health
12) Hydrogen Water Enhances Would Healing
13) Hydrogen Water Limits Damage of Transplant Organs
14) Hydrogen Water Improves Bladder Dysfunctions
15) Hydrogen Water is Cardio-Protective
16) Hydrogen Water Protects the Eye
17) Hydrogen Water Prevents Hearing Loss
18) Hydrogen Water Combats Allergy
19) Hydrogen Water Ameliorates Kidney Disease
20) Hydrogen Water Protects the Liver
21) Hydrogen Water Promotes Gut Health
22) Hydrogen Water Protects the Lung
23) Hydrogen Water Relieves Pain
24) Hydrogen Water May Prolong Lifespan
25) Hydrogen Water is Antibacterial and May Promote Oral Health
26) Hydrogen Water Reduces Muscle Fatigue, Motor Deficits, and Muscle Degeneration
Molecules hydrogen help to slow body aging and wrinkles
4. How much hydrogen-rich water should an adult drink per day to get a beneficial result? IHSA comments on the world-wide certification of drinkable hydrogen water; declared by “International Hydrogen Standards Association” Introduction: Currently throughout the world, biomedical researchers and the general public are learning about molecular hydrogen therapy, including hydrogen gas inhalation, hydrogen infused water (hydrogen water), etc. for the prevention of various diseases and overall health and wellness. The efficacy of molecular hydrogen are published after cautious scientific researches. Molecular
hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas, it is impossible for the consumer public to determine the concentration, or even the presence of molecular hydrogen in these products. Hydrogen water as water or liquids containing dissolved molecular hydrogen, which is termed by the chemical formula H2.
Methods to determine the hydrogen concentration
Gas chromatography (GC) will be considered the primary method for measuring molecular hydrogen. GC should be the most reliable method for specialists in chemical analyses. In brief this method requires the transfer of H2 from the aqueous phase to the gas phase using a tightly closed vessel, where hydrogen concentration can be measured by GC. The standard operation procedure (SOP) for measurement by GC will soon be determined to mitigate systematic errors. IHSA will also adopt a secondary method using an electrode that is specific to hydrogen. Several electrodes are currently available commercially; however, each has a merit and shortcoming. Thus, one electrode will be carefully selected for the measurement, and the standard operation procedure (SOP) determined by IHSA. There may be other suitable options for general consumer use, but not for IHSA certification use, that IHSA may recommend (e.g. different brands of electrodes, sensors, H2Blue, etc.). However, methods that depend on using the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) to estimate hydrogen in water is not recommended. Although a negative ORP is one of the characteristics of hydrogen water, ORP itself does not show the hydrogen concentration. Thus, ORP should not be used as the method for measurement of the hydrogen concentration.
After much debate and consideration, we suggest that the minimal amount of hydrogen should be established as a dose per day in a maximal volume of solution. The standard has been determined to provide at least 0.5 mg of H2 by ingesting a maximal volume of 1 L of product water. It is understood that more research is needed to fully know the minimum effective dose (MED) and the minimum effective concentration (MEC) of H2 at the cellular level. Ideally, the dose would be given in mg/kg of body weight with an optimal time factor based on its half-life and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics. However, this is more challenging with H2 because unlike conventional pharmacological agents, H2 does not have single/specific receptor/target or organ function. The MED/MEC will likely vary based on age, body weight, disease, genetics, intestinal bacteria, diet, etc. The IHSA recommendation is simply a standard based on the current cell, animal, and human clinical studies. It is not perfect and is subject to change based on additional biomedical research.
Animal and human studies generally provide between 0.5 mg to 1.6 mg or more per day. Unlike conventional drugs, it is logical that humans may require a similar equivalent dose of H2 as do rodents because there are no receptors to bind H2 as there are for drugs. The IHSA standard of a minimum of a 0.5 mg dose per liter of water is supported by the lower dose studies in animals and humans. For example, in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease, Fujita, K. et al (2009) reported that a concentration of 0.08 ppm, but not 0.04 ppm was effective. Interestingly, 0.08 ppm would provide a dose of H2 per day that is similar to a human ingesting about 0.5 mg of H2 per day (0.08 mg/L *0.005 L/0.05 kg * 60kg = 0.48 mg H2). Similarly, a 0.04 ppm would equate to about 0.25 mg per day in humans. These doses are in line with two human studies that suggest that 0.5 mg, but not 0.25 mg per day is effective.
Dose instead of concentration
Setting a specific concentration (e.g. 0.8 ppm) can be contested by companies who state that people can get a higher dose of hydrogen by drinking 1 liter of 0.5 ppm, than they could by drinking a 250-ml can of 1 ppm H2 water (0.5 mg vs. 0.25 mg).
Although one can reach 0.5 mg of H2 by ingesting a large volume of low concentration H2-water (e.g. 5 L of 0.1 ppm), this is problematic because some have difficulty drinking high volumes of water, and it is possible that ingesting H2 in this manner may not result in equivalent therapeutic effects as ingesting 0.5 mg at once. This is because the cellular concentration may not reach the “unknown” minimal required concentration (e.g. 5-10 uM). Based on the above human studies, and current guidelines for ingesting water, we have set the maximal volume as 1 liter of 0.5 ppm dissolved hydrogen: 1) Provides at least 8.5ppm of H2 per serving regardless of source water composition being used RO water or mineral water with a pH range of 5.8 to 8.6) 2) Passes safety test for toxins/heavy metals 3) Produces the minimum concentration of 8 ppm a. for the duration of the manufacture warranty b. or for at least 1 year if not stated (Maybe this should be given in “processing hours” not time). 4) pH should be in range 5 to 8 of source water composition (e.g. RO water or mineral water
Tom Mower ONE MINUTE on H2Stix
Tyler LeBaron
Molecular Hydrogen Institute
Science & Benefits
Add 1 stix pack to 12 - 16 oz of water in a bottle (steel is best) with a sealing cap.
Shake lightly...Wait a min 5 – 10 - 15 minutes
(17 - 18 minutes is best and yields the most ppm) before consuming.
>Do not mix in an open glass as the Hydrogen will rise up out of the glass and evaporate into the room<