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SISEL is an acronym for:

Science - Innovation - Success - Energy - Longevity

Sisel International is a one of a kind stand out Company in the Direct Marketing Industry with no equal in the global marketplace.  


Launched Debt-Free in 2006 - SISEL's massive wholly-owned 440,000 sq ft manufacturing facility is the largest and most state of the art plant in the Industry, where SISEL manufactures the  World's Most Scientifically Advanced Products for Wellness and Age-Reversal.


 SISEL's Subsidiary Company: SupraNaturals - generates millions in revenue annually by making products for 100 other companies, including Big Names like Walmart, Target, GNC, and Costco - to name just a few.  


This infuses SISEL International with the Highest Capitalization of any company in the Industry, and this enables Sisel to source the world's finest and most expensive and exotic ingredients, and to purchase them in massive quantities.  Large Lot Purchasing makes it possible for Sisel to obtain these superior quality ingredients at a much lower cost than all of their competitors.  


As a result, the Scientists at SISEL are able to formulate the highest concentration of superior quality ingredients into Sisel's products - as compared to the competition.


Factor in the proprietary and patented formulations and processing and manufacturing systems, and the end result is: The Most Sensational Products that the World has Never Before Seen!  


Sisel International's Breakthrough Health-Enhancing, Life-Changing, Age-Reversing Products - and the Amazing Results that they deliver, are the POWER behind this Unique and Exceptional Health & Wealth Creation Opportunity of  a Lifetime!


The 7 Power Factors of the Sisel International Opportunity


1. COMPANY - Sisel International is solidly founded as a 250-Year, Dynasty Trust which has firmly established the Company for long-term presence in the global marketplace.  


2. INFRASTRUCTURE - Sisel International was launched in 2006 with the largest manufacturing facility of any company in the history of the Direct Marketing Industry, and the most advanced facility of its kind in the world. 


3. CAPITALIZATION - Sisel International is the Strongest, Highest and Best  Capitalized Company in the Industry. Tom Mower made the initial investment of over $100 Million.


4. PRODUCTS - Sisel International manufactures the World's Most Scientifically Advanced Total Wellness Products that deliver Exceptional and truly Amazing Results that were simply never before possible with any other nutritional supplements!


5. COMPENSATION - Sisel International has the Best and Highest Paying Comp Plan in the Home Business Industry. Add the Revolutionary Wealth Builder System and it is the largest pay out in the Industry!


6. MARKETING - Sisel's A.G.E. PILL - a Breakthrough Age-Reversal Product that sells itself - it's a Marketer's Dream Come True!


7. TIMING - The A.G.E. PILL is Perfectly Timed for the Millions of Aging Baby-Boomers and the Millennials who want to reclaim the looks, health, energy, and vitality of their younger years! 





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